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10am to 1pm - £60


Spend a morning weaving your own wool tweed fabric with a variety of twill patterns for a perfect introduction to an absorbing and limitless craft.

Your loom for the day will be set up ready for you to begin experimenting with colour and pattern, the fabric will be yours to take away and can be used as a scarf, wall-hanging or sewn into something of your choice. 


No experience is needed and the workshop is suitable for all age groups.


All equipment and materials will be provided, along with refreshments.

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Two day workshop

10am to 4pm both days - £260

This class is suitable for beginners, those with some basic knowledge or those who have woven in the past but would like a refresher session.


Over two days, every student will learn to wind a warp, dress the loom and weave a length of fabric. You will learn about good shuttle handling, finishing techniques for your woven cloth and the importance of a floating selvedge and when one is needed.  If time allows, the basics of pattern drafting will also be introduced.


Each student may choose one of three class subjects to focus on; Personalising Your Fabric, Exploring Twill Patterns, or Weaving A Scarf. Alternatively, if you have a specific idea and it’s achievable within the time, you can do your own thing.

Personalise Your Fabric
Learn to weave some basic patterns. We will concentrate on twill patterns, hand manipulated weaves and exploring different yarns and colours; these techniques allow the student to fully experiment and explore myriad ideas.


Exploring Twill Patterns
The emphasis in this workshop will be on the 2/2 twill structure and the fabric will be constructed as a sample blanket of various twill patterns. The resulting fabric could be used as a design aid for future projects or made into a cushion cover or bag.


Weave a Scarf
Take an opportunity to experiment with ideas before finalising your scarf design and weaving a unique accessory for yourself.

All equipment and materials will be provided, along with refreshments.


Weaving Taster Day

Sunday 11th August

Sunday 8th September

Saturday 19th October

Weekend Weaving Workshop

Sat & Sun - 21st & 22nd September

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